If I acquire a tax certificate for a parcel of land on which back taxes are owed, can I obtain title to the property?

Legal Article

If I acquire a tax certificate for a parcel of land on which back taxes are owed, can I obtain title to the property?

If you acquire a tax certificate for a parcel of land on which back taxes are owed, you may be able to obtain title to the property through a process known as tax deed sale.

In a tax deed sale, the government sells the property to the highest bidder at a public auction. The winning bidder becomes the owner of the property and is responsible for paying any outstanding taxes or liens.

To participate in a tax deed sale, you must typically pay the amount of the back taxes owed and any additional fees associated with the sale. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you will be required to pay the balance of the bid price in order to obtain the property.

It is important to note that tax deed sales can be complex and involve significant risks. Before bidding on a property at a tax deed sale, you should thoroughly research the property and consult with an attorney to understand your rights and responsibilities as a potential owner.