Abuse of Elderly Citizens, Persons With Disabilities, and Children

Legal Article

Abuse of Elderly Citizens, Persons With Disabilities, and Children

The abuse of elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children takes on many variations including but not limited to emotional, physical, or financial abuse. As such, abuse occurs in a multitude of settings such as in school or in after school programs, religious organizations, and programs created for the elderly or persons with disabilities.

No matter what type of abuse you have experienced, it can be one of the most challenging situations to endure. Because of the sensitive nature associated with abuse of elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children, receiving legal advice from attorneys with decades of experience and knowledge is key to the success of your case. Furthermore, not only can an experienced attorney help you receive the monetary compensation you deserve. However, creating an air-tight case can also ensure that no one else will experience this type of pain and loss. Antonoplos & Associates is here to assist you and your family during whatever step of the lawsuit process you are in.

We can help by giving you advice on how to build a case, collecting the required material to do so, or go to court on your behalf. Our attorneys are here to help with any questions regarding the abuse of elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children.

Contact Our DC Law Office for More Information

For more than 20 years, Antonoplos & Associates has practiced family law matters including frequent work on abuse cases. Finally, we represent clients throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The government and private organizations have finally started to initiate programs geared towards mitigating abuse of vulnerable persons. However, the elderly population in the United States continues to rise. Furthermore, 1 out of every 23 elderly persons experiences some form of abuse. Thus, getting experienced help as soon as possible is crucial to the success of your case.

For more information on the abuse of elderly citizens, persons with disabilities, and children, contact us at 202-803-5676. You can also directly schedule a consultation with one of our skilled attorneys.