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What should I do if my neighbor’s fence sits on my property?

Virginia power of attorney

If you believe that your neighbor’s fence is situated on your property, you should first try to resolve the issue through communication with your neighbor. It may be that the fence was placed on the property line by mistake, and your neighbor is willing to work with you to resolve the issue.

If communication with your neighbor is unsuccessful, you may want to consider hiring a surveyor to determine the exact location of the property line. A surveyor can provide you with a survey map that shows the boundary lines of your property.

If the survey confirms that the fence is on your property, you can then try to negotiate with your neighbor to have the fence moved or removed. If you are unable to reach an agreement, you may need to seek legal assistance. A real estate attorney or a mediator may be able to help you resolve the dispute.

It is important to remember to keep a record of all communication and documentation related to the fence dispute. This can be helpful in the event that you need to seek legal assistance.

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